AKC Rule: Vendor space is sold with the understanding that should the privileges of the AKC be withdrawn from the purchaser of the vendor booth space prior to the fulfillment of this contract, this contract is hereby automatically canceled, and any payment submitted for the vendor booth space shall be refunded.
Payment in full for your vending space must be received no later than Mon, May 5, 2025. Vending spaces are not guaranteed to be available - first approved, first reserved.
Vendor booth payments via check (US funds only) should be made payable to Spokane Kennel Club and mailed to Spokane Kennel Club ATTN: Dolly Stearns 21925 E Mullan Lane, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Or pay online at SpokaneKC.com/category/vendors
If using a canopy for your vendor set up, your canopy must fit completely into your reserved booth space, not extending into the aisle or someone else's booth space.
Booth space does NOT include tables, chairs, or decorations. Limited electric service available.
Your set up and products may not overflow or extend outside your reserved booth space, including the aisles.
No vendor shall assign, sublet, or apportion any part of the booth space reserved, without the approval of the Vendor Chair. Each vendor represented must complete a contract form with payment for booth space.
Distribution of circulars, advertising materials, or save the date for upcoming shows, including souvenirs, are restricted to the vendor's booth space unless approved by the Vendor Chair.
No dog food company may attend, vend, promote or sell dog food at the Memorial Day Cluster.
Insurance: Vendors wishing to insure their goods/product must do so at their own expense. The show assumes no responsibility for the safety of the vendor's property, it's offices, agents or employees from theft, damage by fire, accident, or other cause, and will use reasonable care to protect them against such loss.
Bounced checks will be assessed a $55 fee.